The GOBY FRONTIERS is managed by "divedeep" a private person voluntarily.
So,the GOBY FRONTIERS asks you for your generosity for any carelessness on its
+ The copyright of the
contributing image belongs to the contributor.The webmaster of GOBY __FRONTIERS never divert it to any other
purpose without any permission of the copyright holder.
+ The contributor needs to allow the webmaster of GOBY FRONTIERS to the conditions
below about
__the display,use and
reformation of the image for convenience' sake of the formation of this website.
+ Please notice that GOBY FRONTIERS regard the contributor as allowing those
conditions when __GOBY FRONTIERS
received an image through the exclusive e-mail address which is described later.
1. The copyright holder needs to
allow the webmaster of GOBY FRONTIER to add the copyright credit
__to the image.
2. The copyright holder needs to allow the webmaster of GOBY FRONTIER to resize the
image to
__make smaller image for
the indexes of this web site.
3. The copyright holder needs to allow the webmaster of GOBY FRONTIER to use
without any rental
4.The copyright holder never claim damages against the GOBY FRONTIER concerning any
__inconveniences or
losses which is resulted from the display of the contributing image on this web __site.
5. The copyright holder needs to allow that,in case some profit would take place on
this site,the GOBY
__FRONTIERS would return
100% of the benefit to the
copyright holder in principle under the condition
__that it would be
clearly confirmable whose image
gains the profit,but if it would not be clear,for
__example,the address of
this web site appears in some
magazine and the webmaster of GOBY
__FRONTIERS gains the
publication fee...,the GOBY FRONTIERS need not share the benefit to all
__copyright holders.
6. The copyright holder can claim at anytime the withdrawal of the publication from
follow the claim quickly.
If you agree to the
conditions,please click
here to go next procedure.
If you don't agree to the
conditions,please refrain from contributing. |